How can natural treatments help pets with kidney disease?
If your pet was recently diagnosed with kidney disease (aka renal disease) you are probably already somewhat familiar with the condition.
After explaining chronic kidney disease, your pet's veterinarian probably provided a prescription for a kidney diet and recommended returning in 4-6 months to recheck bloodwork.
You're finding it hard to believe that there is nothing else to be done to help your best friend and you are absolutely correct! The good news is that there are natural treatments including acupuncture, chiropractic care and supplements that can help support pets with chronic kidney disease.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Kidney Disease in Pets
Nearly every patient we see at Healing Tails (including cats) can benefit from chiropractic care and should receive regular chiropractic adjustments! Most of our animals are everyday athletes visiting dog parks, running and playing. Even the pets that are mostly couch potatoes can develop injuries and pain from repeatedly jumping up on and down from their favorite resting place. Animal chiropractic adjustments are great to incorporate as a preventative and holistic care plan. Chiropractic pet care can also be an important aspect of a non-surgical drug-free approach to many medical conditions.
These conditions include:​
Post surgical patients (TPLO/CCL repair, hip surgery, etc)
Seizure disorders
Kidney disease
Hip dysplasia
Back pain
About Us
Dr. Arielle performs pet chiropractic services for Healing Tails. She received her veterinary degree from the University of Illinois and her certificate of veterinary spinal manipulation therapy from the Healing Oasis.
Healing Tails is committed to providing a calm, spa like setting for veterinary chiropractic care in Chicago
Animal Chiropractic FAQ
What happens during a visit for acupuncture?During your pet's assessment prior to the acupuncture treatmetn, the doctor may assess your pet for pain in addition to checking their tongue and pulse. While it may seem a little strange to check the tongue and pulse, checking both of these can provide information about your pet’s condition and can help the doctor determine the best acupuncture prescription for your pet. The needles are thin and push the skin out of the way rather than cut it. While some acupuncture points may be sensitive and cause slight discomfort once the needles are inserted, typically this discomfort quickly subsides. Some people worry that their pets may not tolerate the treatment, but most pets sit still for their treatments and some even fall asleep. We incorporate calming sounds, mood lighting and licky mats with peanut butter if needed to help keep your pet calm during their treatment.
What are side effects of acupuncture in pets?When performed by a trained and certified veterinary acupuncturist, acupuncture is generally safe with minimal side effects. Some patients may have a temporary worsening of their symptoms or may be a little sore for 24-28 hours following the treatment. Bruising, breaking of the needle, needle ingestion or puncture of internal organs are all extremely rare but possible side effects which owner's should be made aware of.
How long are the acupuncture treatments for my pet?Our acupuncture appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes. Depending on the pet, the acupuncture needles may remain in place anywhere for 12- 25 minutes.
Who can perform the acupuncture treatments for my pet?Acupuncture treatments should only peformed by a licensed veterinarian who is trained in acupunture treatments for pets. Dr. Arielle performs all of the acupuncture treatments for pets at Healing Tails. She received her training through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society.
Should acupuncture be used instead of western medicine?Acupuncture should be used in conjunction with traditional western medical diagnostics, work-ups and treatments. In some cases clients are able to reduce the dose of pain medications or eliminate them altogether under the guidance of their veterinarian. It is important to discuss your goals for your pet's treatment during their intial exam.